He designed the VI for the guerrilla event. The event is based on the urban kineticism of "Tactical Urbanism" and practices converting of on-street parking spaces.
The site is located in Nihonbashi, one of the most prominent office districts in Japan. We proposed a "3-minute break" for busy people on the move, based on the theme of the leeway created by "looking up to the sky".
The site is located in Nihonbashi, one of the most prominent office districts in Japan. We proposed a "3-minute break" for busy people on the move, based on the theme of the leeway created by "looking up to the sky".

Because it was intended for a temporary event, he could design without any expectation of long-term, stand-alone use. The emphasis is on functionality as a keyword appeal tool to publicize the theme.

He developed a stretchable logo and designed the application. The design sublimates the project's objective of "urban intervention" and encourages intervention through the use of tape and stickers.
Planning : Sotonoba Studio | Park(ing)Day class member
企画:ソトノバ・スタジオ|Park(ing)Dayクラス メンバー
Organized by : Nihonbashi 6th Union Youth Club "Nippachi-kai", Keio University Hiroto Kobayashi Lab
主催:日本橋六之部連合青年部「日八会」, 慶應義塾大学小林博人研究会
Cooperation: General Incorporated Association Sotonoba, Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.
協力:一般社団法人ソトノバ, 東京建物株式会社
Graphic Design
Direction / Design : Fuya Yasunaga
ディレクション / デザイン:安永楓哉
Adviser : Project Members + My Friends
アドバイザー:プロジェクトメンバー + 友人ら